Источники и литература на иностранных языках

Источники и литература на иностранных языках: Педагогическая антропология, Бим-Бад Борис Михайлович, 1998 читать онлайн, скачать pdf, djvu, fb2 скачать на телефон Настоящее учебное пособие вводит в научную и общекультурную дискуссию о человеке как воспитателе и воспитуемом, о путях его самосовершенствования.

Источники и литература на иностранных языках

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В выходных данных указано последнее из известных нам изданий.


Adams Henry Brooks, 1838—1918. The education, Boston, 1918;

History of the United States of America during the administration of Jefferson and Madison, v. 1—9, New York, 1889—1891.

Adams John, Sir, 1857—1934. The new teaching, London, 1918; Making the most of one's mind, New York, 1915; A significant lack of educational terminology, New York, 1907; Relation of the school studies to moral training, Chicago, 1897.

*Adler Alfred. Psychotherapie und Erziehung: ausgewalte Aufsatze, Bdn 1— 2, Frankfurt am Main, 1982.

Adler Mortimer Jerom, 1902. Intellect: mind over matter, New York, 1990;. Reforming education: the opening of the American mind, New York, 1988; The paideia program, New York, 1984; The angels and us, New York, 1982; The paideia proposal: an educational manifesto, New York, 1982; The time of our lives: the ethics of common sense, New York, 1970; The difference of man and the difference it makes, New York, 1967.

*Adorno Theodor W. Critical models: interventions and catch-words / pref. Henry W. Pickford, Engl. transl. New York, 1998; Aesthetic theory / eds. Gretel Adorno; Rolf Tiedemann, Engl. transl. Minneapolis, MN, 1997; Einleitung in die Soziologie / Hrsg. Christoph Godde, Frankfurt am Main, 1993; The culture industry: selected essays on mass culture / ed. J.M. Bernstei, Engl. transl. London, 1991; Dialektik der Aufklarung: philosophische Fragmente (mit Max Horkheimer), Frankfurt am Main, 1986; Introduction to the sociology of music, Engl. trans. New York, 1986; Negative dialectics, Engl. transl. New York, 1983; Against epistemology: a metacritique: studies in Husseri and the phenomenological antinomies, Engl. transl. Oxford, England, 1982; The Authoritarian personality, New York, 1982; Prisms, Engl. trans. Cambridge (Mass.), 1981; Minima'moralia: reflections on a damaged life, Engl. trans. London, 1978.

After postmodernism: education, politics, and identity / ed. Richard Smith; Philip Wexler, London; Washington, D.C., 1995.

Alain (Chartier Emile), 1868—1951. Les propos d'un Normand de 1909 / ed. Jean-Made Allaire, et al., Paris, 1994; Spinoza, Paris, 1986; Denys: ou, L'ambitieux / introd. Albert Laffay, Deuil, 1978; Propos sur le bonheur, Paris, 1972; Propos / texte etabli et presente Maurice. Savin; pref. Andre Maurois, 2 v., Paris, 1956—1970; Propos sur Г education, Paris, 1932.

Am Ende, Postmodern? Weinheim, 1985.

Anastapio George, 1925. Human being and citizen: essays on virtue, freedom, and the common good, Chicago, 1975. The Anthropological study of education / eds. Craig J. Calhoun; Francis A.J. lanni, The Hague; Chicago, 1976.

Anthropologie de la lumiere, Nancy, 1994.

L'Anthropologie de saint Thomas: conferences organisees par la Faculte de theo-logie et la Societe philosophique di Fribourg a 1'occasion du 700e anniversaire de la mort de saint Thomas d'Aquin / ed. Mane-Humbert Vicaire, et al., Fribourg, 1974.

Anthropologie der Musik und der Musikerziehung, Regensburg, 1987.

L'Anthropologie economique: courants et problemes / ed. Lucien Demo-m6, et al., Paris, 1976.

Anthropologisches Denken in der Padagogik 1750—1850 / Hrsg. Christoph Wulf; Bernhard Dieckmann, et al., Weinhweim, 1996.

*Aron Raymond-Claude-Ferdinand. Machiavel et les tyrannies modernes, Paris, 1993; Democratic et totalitarisme, Paris, 1965; L'opium des intellectuels, Paris, 1955; Introduction a la philosophic de 1'histoire, Paris, 1938.

Arendt Hannah, 1906—1976. Lectures on Kant's political philosophy, London, 1982; The life of the mind, New York, 1978; On violence, New York, 1970; On revolution, New York, 1963; The human condition, Chicago, 1958; Die Krise in der Erziehung, Bremen, 1958; The origins of totalitarianism, New York, 1951.

* Aries Philipp. Two concepts of childhood, Engl. transl. // Sociology, history and education: a reader / ed. P.W. Musgrave, London, 1970.

Armstrong Henry Edward, 1848—1937. A revolution called for in education, London, 1936; The future science of the schools, London, 1925; The teaching of scientific method and the other papers on education, London, 1910.

Arnold Matthew, 1822—1888. Culture and anarchy, London, 1869.

Aronowitz Stanley; Giroux Henry A. Postmodern education: politics, culture, and social criticism, Minneapolis, 1991.

Aufenanger Stefan, 1950. Entwicklungspadagogik: die soziogenetische Perspektive, Weinheim, 1992.

Auzias Jean-Marie, 1927. L'anthropologie contemporaine, Paris, 1976.

*Ayer Alfred Jules. The meaning of life, New York, 1990.


Backes-Haase Alfons, 1956. Historiographie padagogischer Theorien, Weinheim, 1996.

*Bain Alexander. Mind and body, London, 1873. Balandier Georges. Anthropologie politique, Paris, 1978.

* Baldwin James Mark. Dictionary of philosophy and psychology, v. 1—3, London, 1901—1903; Social and ethical interpretations in mental development, New York, 1897; Philosophy: its relation to life and education, Toronto, 1890.

Bandura Albert, 1925. Aggression: a social learning analysis, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1973; Social learning theory, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1977.

Barnard Henry, 1811—1900. Kindergarten and child culture papers, New York, 1884; On education, ed. John S. Brubacher, New York, 1965.

*Barth Ernst Emil Paul. Etische Jugendftirung: Grundztige zu einem systematischen Moralunterricht, Leipzig, 1919; Die Geschichte der Erziehing in soziologischer und geistgeschichtlicher Beleuchtung, Leipzig, 1911. Bartko Daniel, 1929. Moderna psychohygiena, Bratislava, 1975. Bastide Roger, 1898—1974. Applied anthropology, New York, 1973. Begabung und padagogischen Denken: ein Kernstuck anthropologischen Begrilndung von Erziehung / Hrsg. Paul Helbig, Weinheim et al., 1988. Begriindungsformen der Padagogik in der «Moderne», Weinheim, 1992. Bell Daniel, 1909. Toward the year 2000: work in progress / ed. Stephen R. Graubard, Cambridge, Mass., 1997; The winding passage: sociolo-gical essays and journeys / forew. Irving Louis Horowitz, New Brunswick, N.J., 1991; The end of ideology: on the exhaustion of political ideas in the fifties, Cambridge, Mass., 1988; The coming of post-industrial society; a venture in social forecasting, New York, 1973; The cultural contradictions of capitalism, New York, 1996; The reforming of general education / forew. David B. Truman, New York, 1966.

Belloncle Guy. Anthropologie appliquee et developpement associatif, Paris, 1993.

Benjamin Walter, 1892—1940. The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction // Illuminations, Engl. trans. Glasgow, 1979.

*Berne Eric. Intuition and ego states: the origins of transactional analysis: a series of papers, San Francisco, 1977; Beyond games and scripts / with selections from his major writings; introd. Claude M. Steiner; Carmen Kerr, New York, 1976; Culture change, mental health, and poverty / ed. Joseph C. Finney, Lexington, 1969.

Berry Christopher J. Hume, Hegel and human nature, The Hague et al., 1982.

Beyer Landon E., 1949. Curriculum in conflict: social visions, educational agendas, and progressive school reform, New York, 1996.

Beyond language: social and cultural factors in schooling language minority students, Los Angeles, Calif., 1986.

Billington James Hardly, 1929. Fire in the minds of men: origins of the revolutionary faith, New York, 1980.

*Binet Alfred. La suggestibilite, Paris, 1900; La psychologie des grands calculateurs et joueurs d'echecs, Paris, 1894; La psychologie du raisonne-ment, Paris, 1886.

Block Alan A., 1947. I'm only bleeding: education as the practice of social violence against children, New York, 1997.

Bloom Benjamin Samuel, 1913. Human characteristics and school learning, New York, 1976.

*Boas Franz. Anthropology and modern life, New York, 1986.

Bocquet-Appel Jean-Pierre. Anthropologie et histoire, Paris, 1987.

Bollnow Otto Friedrich, 1903. Die anthropologische Betrachtungsweise in der Padagogik, Essen, 1986; Anthropologische Padagogik, Bern-Stuttgart, 1983; Padagogik in anthropologischer Sicht, Tokyo, 1971; Die padagogische Atmosphare: Untersuchungen iiber die gefuhlmassigen zwischenmensch-lichen Voraussetzungender Erziehung, Heidelberg, 1965.

Borke Joseph Hermann, 1939. The tyranny of malice: exploring the dark side of character and culture, New York, 1988.

Born Monika, 1942. Die Einheit von Pestalozzis Anthropologie und Padagogik: der Freiheitsbegriff der «Nachforschungen» und der padagogischen Schriften von 1799 und 1801, Essen, 1977.

Bosanquet Bernard, 1848—1923. The value and destiny of the individual, New York, 1968.

Botstein Leon. Jefferson's children: learning and the promise of a democratic culture, New York, 1997.

Bottcher Hans. Sozialpadagogik im Uberblick: Versuch einer systematis-cher Agogik, Freiburg, 1975.

Bourdieu Pierre, 1930. An invitation to reflexive sociology (with L.J.D. Wac-quant), Chicago, 1992; The logic of practice, Engl. transl. Cambridge, 1990;

Reproduction in education, society and culture (with Jean-Claude Passeron), Engl. transl. London, 1977.

Boutinet Jean-Pierre. Anthropologie du projet, Paris, 1990.

Braun Walter, 1926. Padagogische Anthropologie im Widerstreit: Genese und Versuch einer Systematik, Bad Heilbrunn/Obb., 1989.

Breysig Kurt, 1866—1940. Gedankenblatter, Berlin, 1964; Psychologie der Geschichte, Breslau, 1935; Die Geschichte der Seele im Werdegang der Menschheit, Breslau, 1931.

Briton Derek, 1953. The modern practice of adult education: a postmodern critique, Albany, 1996.

Brooke Robert Greville, 1607—1643. The nature of truth, Farnborough, 1969.

Brown Norman 0. Life against death: the psycho-analytical meaning of history, London, 1959.

*Bruner Jerome Seymour. The culture of education, Cambridge, Mass., 1996; Acts of meaning Cambridge, Mass. 1990; Actual minds, possible worlds, Cambridge, Mass., 1986.

Budde Gerhard, 1865—1944. Noologische Padagogik: Entwurf einer Personlichkeitspadagogik auf der Grundlage der Philosophic Rudolf Euckens, Langensalza, 1914; Weltanschauung und Padagogik in Einzelbildern, Lan-gensalza, 1911.

Buisson Ferdinand Eduard, 1841—1932. L'education d'apres les lois de la nature, Paris, 1911; Nouveau dictionnaire de pedagogic et d'instruction primaire, Paris, 1911.

Burdach Karl Friedrich, 1776—1847. Anthropologie fur das gebildete Publicum, Stuttgart, 1837.

Burkert Walter, 1931. Anthropologie des religiosen Opfers, Munchen, 1984.

Butler Samuel, 1835—1902. Unconscious memory, New York, 1968.


Cadoret Anne. Parente plurielle: anthropologie du placement familial, Paris, 1995.

Callari Galli Matilde. Antropologia culturale e processi educativi, Scandicci; Firenze, 1993.

Camilleri Carmel. Cultural anthropology and education, London, 1986.

Canguilhem Georges, 1904. Etudes d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences, Paris, 1975; Ideology and rationality in the history of the life sciences, Engl. transl. Cambridge, Mass., 1988.

Cannella Gaile Sloan, 1951. Deconstructing early childhood education: social justice and revolution, New York, 1997.

Carranza Siles Luis. Antropologia pedagogica, La Paz, Bolivia, 1992.

Cartledge Gwendolyn, 1943. Cultural diversity and social skills instruction: understanding ethnic and gender differences, Champaign, 111., 1996.

Carvalho Adalberto Dias de. Epistemologia das ciencias da educacao, Porto, Portugal, 1988.

*Cassirer Ernst. An essay on man: an introduction to a philosophy of human culture, New York, 1974.

Centore F.F. Being and becoming: a critique of post-modernism, New York, 1991.

Century of genocide: eyewitness accounts and critical views / eds. Samuel Totten; William S. Parsons; Israel W. Charny, New York, 1997.

Challenges to European education: cultural values, national identities, and global responsibilities / ed. Thyge Winther-Jensen, Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1996.

Charny Israel W. The Widening circle of genocide; forew. Irving Louis Horowitz, New Brunswick, 1994; How can we commit the unthinkable?: Genocide, the human cancer, Boulder, Colo., 1982; Strategies against violence: design for nonviolent change / ed. Israel W. Charny, Boulder, 1978.

Chesterton Gilbert Keith. The everlasting man, Westport, Conn., 1974. Childhood agression and violence / eds. D.H. Crowell et. al., New York; London, 1987.

Childhood in «crisis»? / ed. Phil Scraton, London Bristol, Penna., 1997. Chomsky Avram Noam, 1928. Language and problems of knowledge,

Camridge, Mass., 1988; Language and responsibility, New York, 1972, Language and Mind, New York, 1972.

Coan Richard W. Hero, artist, sage, or saint?: A survey of views on what is variously called mental health, normality, maturity, self-actualization, and human fulfillment. New York, 1977.

Cohen Elie Aron. Human behaviour in the concentration camp, Engl. transl. London, 1988.

*Compayre Jules-Gabriel. Histoire de la pedagogic, Paris, 1911; Histoire critique des doctrines de 1'education en France depuis le seizieme siecle, t. 1—2, Paris, 1879.

Conant James Bryant, 1893—1978. Education in a divided world New York, 1969.

Constructing and reconstructing childhood: contemporary issues in the socioilo-gical study of childhood / ed. Allison James; Alan Prout, London, et a!., 1990.

Conte Edouard; Essner Cornelia. La quete de la race: une anthropologie du nazisme, Paris, 1995.

Cordier Jean, 1919. Une anthropologie de 1'inadaptation, Bruxelles, 1975.

Counts George S., 1889—1974. Education and the foundations of human freedom, New York, 1962.

Cowan Joseph Lloyd, 1929. Pleasure and pain: a study in philosophical psychology, New York, 1968.

Crane Alien, 1927. Buzzards to bluebirds, Santa Ana, Calif., 1997.

Cremin Lawrence A., 1925—1990. The transformation of the school: progressivism in American education, 1876—1957, New York, 1961.

Critical pedagogy, the state, and cultural struggle / eds. Henry A. Giroux; Peter L. McLaren, Albany, 1989.

Critical postmodernism in human movement, physical education, and sport / ed. Juan-Miguel Fernandez-Balboa, Albany, NY., 1997.

*Croce Benedetto. La storia come pensiero e come azione, Bari, 1938.

Cross-cultural literacy: ethnographies of communication in multiethnic classrooms / eds. Marietta Saravia-Shore; Steven F. Arvizu, New York, 1992.

Cultural literacy and the idea of general education / eds. lan Westbury;

Alan C. Purves; Kenneth J. Rehage, Chicago, 1996.

The cultural production of the educated person: critical ethnographies of schooling and local practice / eds. Bradley A. Levinson, et al., Albany, NY., 1996.

Cummins Paul, 1937. For mortal stakes: solutions for schools and society, New York, 1998.


Dederich Markus. In den Ordnungen des Liebes: zur Anthropologie und Padagogik von Hugo Kukelhaus, Munster et al., 1996.

Delacampagne Christian, 1948. L'invention du racisme: antiquite et moyen age, Paris, 1983.

Delamont Sara, 1947; Atkinson Paul, 1947. Fighting familiarity: essays on education and ethnography, Cresskill, N.J., 1995.

Delbruck Hans 1848—1929. Geschichte der Kriegskunst im Rahmen der politischen Geschichte, Bd. 1—7, Berlin, 1900—1936.

Deliege Robert, 1953. Anthropologie sociale et culturelle, Bruxelles, 1992.

Delpit Lisa D. Other people's children: cultural conflict in the classroom, New York, 1995.

DeQuincey Thomas, 1785—1859. Letters to a young man whose education has been neglected // Essays, New York, 1886.

*Derrida Jacques. Apories: mourir — s'attendre aux «limites de la veri-te«, Paris, 1996; The gift of death, Engl. transl. Chicago, 1995; Politiques de 1'amitie; suivi de L'oreille de Heidegger, Paris, 1994; Spectres de Marx: 1'etat de la dette, le travail du deuil et la nouvelle internationale, Paris, 1993; Passions, Paris, 1993; Psyche: inventions de 1'autre, Paris, 1987; Du droit a la philosophie, Paris, 1990; De la grammatologie, Paris, 1967.

Developmental perspectives on trauma: theory, research, and intervention / eds. Dante Cicchetti; Sheree L. Toth, Rochester, N.Y., 1997.

Deuine John Francis. Maximum security: the culture of violence in inner-city schools, Chicago, 1996.

Dewerpe Alain. Espion: une anthropologie historique du secret d'Etat contemporain, Paris, 1994.

*Dewey John. Democracy and education: an introduction to the philosophy of education, New York, 1916; The educational situations, Chicago, 1906; Ethical principles underlying education, Chicago, 1897; My educational creed, Chicago, 1896; The psychology of infant language, Chicago, 1894.

Dienelt Karl. Padagogische Anthropologie, Rheinfelden, 1990; Das neue Denken in der Erziehungswissenschaft, Wien, 1989; Die anthropologischen Grundlagen der Padagogik: konstruktiv-analytische Reflexionen zum Thema «Padagogische Anthropologie», Kastellaun, 1977.

The different: phrases in dispute, Engl. trans. Minneapolis; Manchester, 1986.

Digard Jean-Pierre. L'homme et les animaux domestiques: anthropologie d'une passion, Paris, 1990.

*Dilthey Wilhelm. Das Eriebnis und die Dichtung: Lessing, Goethe, Novalis, Holderlin, Leipzig, 1988; Padagogik // Gesammelte Schriften, IX. Bd., Stuttgart, et al., 1960; Beitrage zum Studium der Individualitat, Berlin, 1896; Uber die Moglichkeit einer allgemeingultigen padagogischen Wissenschaft, Berlin, 1888; Einleitung in die Geistwissenschaften, Berlin, 1883; Uber das Studium der Geschichte, der Wissenschaft vom Menschen, der Gesellschaft, und dem Staat, Berlin, 1875 .

Discovering culture in education: an approach to cultural education program evaluation / eds. Barbara Finkelstein et al., Washington, D.C., 1997.

Diskussion Padagogische Anthropologie, Munchen, 1980.

Djilas Milovan, 1911—1995. The unperfect society: beyond the new class, New York, 1970.

*Dobzhansky Theodosius. The biological basis of human freedom, New York, 1969.

Drechsler Julius. Bildungstheorie und Prinzipienlehre der Didaktik, Heidelberg, 1967; Anthropologie und Padagogik, Ratingen, 1965.

Dreneli Karl. Anthropologie des Jugendalfers, Ratingen et al., 1974.

Der Dualismus im modernen Weltbild, Berlin, 1923.

Dubos Rene Jules, 1901—1982. So human an animal, New York, 1968.

Dubuisson Daniel, 1950. Anthropologie poetique: esquisses pour une anthropologie du texte, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1996.

*Durkheim Emile. The evolution of educational thought: lectures on the formation and development of secondary education in France, Engl. transl. London, 1977; Pedagogy and sociology, Engl. transl // School and society: a sociological reader, London; Herley, 1977; Le socialisme, Paris, 1928; L'education morale, Paris, 1925; Education et sociologie, Paris, 1922; Les formes elementaire de la vie religieuse, Paris, 1912; Introduction a la sociologie de la famille, Bordeaux, 1888.

Durr Walter, et al. Padagogische Anthropologie und Evolution: Beitrage der Humanwissenschaften zur Analyse padagogischer Probleme / Hrsg. Johanna Uher, Eriangen, 1995.

Duval Gilbert, et al. Suicides et tentatives de suicide a La Reunion: epidemiologie, anthropologie, abord socio-culturel, essai de prevention / textes, Paris, 1995.


Edgerton Susan Huddleston, 1955. Translating the curriculum: multiculturalism into cultural studies, New York, 1996.

Education and cultural process: anthropological approaches / Ed. George Dearborn Spindler, Prospect Heights, 111., 1987.

Education and the nature of man: a document from the Joint Study Commission on Education, World Council of Churches, World Council of Christian Education, Geneva, 1967.

Education, autonomy, and democratic citizenship, London; New York, 1997.

Edwards Richard, 1956. Changing places?: flexibility, lifelong learning, and a learning society, London; New York, 1997.

Einfuhrung in die padagogische Anthropologie / Hrsg. Christoph Wulf, Weinheim, et al., 1994.

Elf Reden uber das Bose: Ringvorlesung der Philosophischen Fakultat der RWTH Aachen im Wintersemester 1990/91 / Hrsg. Helmut Siepmann; Kaspar Spinner, Bonn, 1992.

Ellul Jacques Cesar. L'empire du nonsens: 1'art et la societe technicienne, Paris, 1980.

Emotional development and emotional intelligence: educational implications, Eds. Peter Salovey; David J. Sluyter, New York, 1997.

Empowering teachers and parents: school restructuring through the eyes of anthropologists / Ed. G. Alfred Hess, Westport, Conn., 1992.

Engelbrecht Schalk Willem. History of education and theory of education, Goodwood, South Africa, 1981.

* Erasmus Desiderius. The education of a Christian prince, Engl. transl. Cambridge, U.K.; New York, 1997; Literary and educational writing / Collected works of Erasmus, v. 23—29, Engl. transl. Toronto; Buffalo, 1978.

Die Erfindung des inneren Menschen: Studien zur religiosen Anthropo-logie / Hrsg. Jan Assmann, Gurersloh, 1993.

*Erikson Erik Homburger. Childhood and society, New York, 1985; Life history and the historical moment, New York, 1975; Identity and the life cycle: selected papers, New York, 1968.

Erickson Marilyn T. Behavior disorders of children and adolescents: assessment, etiology, and intervention, Upper Saddle River, N.J., 1998.

Erziehung und Schule zwischen Tradition und Innovation: kulturverg-leichende und historische Aspekte / Hrsg. Johann Georg Prinz von Hohenzollern, Uwe Krebs und Max Liedtke, Bad Heilbrunn / Obb., 1992.

L'Esprit de societe: vers une anthropologie sociale du sens / direct. Anne Decrosse; pref. de Paul Ricoeur, Liege, 1993.

Evolution, Erziehung, Schule: Beitrage aus Anthropologie, Entwicklungs-psychologie, Humanethologie und Padagogik / Hrsg. Christel Adick; Uwe Krebs, Eriangen; Nurnberg, 1992.

Ewing Alfred Cyril. The morality of punishment, with some suggestions for a general theory of ethics, Montclair, N.J., 1970.


Fadiman James, 1939. Unlimit your life: setting and getting goals, Berkeley, Calif., 1989.

Fadiman James, 1939; Frager Robert, 1940. Personality and personal growth, New York, 1994.

Faraday Michael, 1791—1867. Observations on the education of judgement // The culture demanded by modern life: a series of addresses and arguments on the claims of scientific education / ed. E. L. Youmans, New York, 1871; Lectures on education, London, 1855.

Farkas George, 1946. Human capital or cultural capital?: ethnicity and poverty groups in an urban school district, New York, 1996.

Faustmann Astrid. Entschlilsselung anthropologischer Strukturen in Didaktik-Modellen: Sinn und Bedeutung anthropologischer Basalelemente in gegenwartigen und historischen Didaktik-Konzepten, Berlin, 1994.

Feldman Robert Stephen, 1947. Child development, Upper Saddle River, N.J„ 1998.

Finckenauer J.O. Juvenile delinquency and corrections: the gap between theory and practice, Orlando, 1984.

Finkelstein Barbara, 1937, et al. Discovering culture in education: an approach to cultural education program evaluation, Washington, 1997.

Fitzgerald Ross, 1944. The sources of hope, Rusheutters Bay, Austr., 1970.

Flew Antony. A racional animal, and other philosophical essays on the nature of man, Oxford, 1978.

Flitner Wilhelm, 1889—1971. Gymnasium und Universitat / Hrsg. Hans Scheueri; Ulrich Hermann, Paderborn, 1997; Gesammelte Schriften, Bd. 10: Die Geschichte der abendlandischen Lebensformen / Nachwort Walter Ruegg, Paderborn, 1990; Theoretische Schriften: Abhandlungen zu normativen Aspekten und theoretischen Begrundungen der Padagogik / Hrsg. Ulrich Herrmann, Paderborn, 1989; Richtungsstreit in der Erziehungs-wissenschaft und padagogische Verstandigung: Wilhelm Flitner zur Vollendung seines 100. Lebensjahres am 20. August 1989 / Hrsg. Hermann Rohrs; Hans Scheueri, Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1989; Selbstverstandnis der Erziehungswissenschaft in der Gegenwart: eine Studie uber Hermeneutik und Pragmatik, Sinnaufklarung und Normauslegung / Nachw. Ulrich Herrmann, Paderborn, 1989; Theorie des padagogischen Weges, Weinheim, 1960; Die padagogische Anthropologie inmitten der Wissenschaften von Menschen // Wege zur padagogischen Anthropologie, Heidelberg, 1963.

*Forster Fridrich Wilhelm. Europe and the German question, Engl. transl. New York, 1975; Jugendlehre, Berlin, 1904.

Folkmar Daniel, 1861—1932. L'anthropologie philosophique, Paris, 1899.

Ford Jill, 1937. Human behaviour: towards a practical understanding, London; Boston, 1983.

Forneck Hermann-Josef. Moderne und Bildung, Weinheim, 1992.

*Foucault Michel, 1926—1981. The history of sexuality, Engl. trans. 3 v., London, 1979; New York, 1985—1986; Discipline and punish: the birth of the prison, Engl. transl. London, 1977; The archaeology of knowledge, Engl. transl. London, 1974; Madness and civilization: a history of insanity in the age of reason, Engl. transl. New York, 1973.

*Fouillee Alfred. La reforme de 1'enseignement par la philosophic, Paris, 1901. Fox Robin, 1934. Anthropologie de la parente; une analyse de la consanguinite et de 1'alliance, Paris, 1972.

Frankena William K. Thinking about morality, Ann Arbor 1980; Etics, 1973; The nature of human action / ed. Myles Brand, Glenview, 111., 1970; Three historical philosophies of education: Aristotle, Kant, Dewey, Chicago et al., 1966; Philosophy of education, New York, 1965.

*Frazer James George, Sir. Man, God and immortality: thoughts on human progress, London, 1968.

Freiheit und Kontingenz: zur interdisziplinaren Anthropologie mensch-licher Freiheiten und Bindungen: Festschrift fur Christian Walther / Hrsg. Rainer Dieterich; Carsten Pfeiffer, Heidelberg, 1992.

Frey Gerhard, 1915. Anthropologie der Kunste, Freiburg, 1994.

Frobenius Leo, 1873—1938. Ethnographische Notizen aus den Jahren 1905 und 1906 / bearb. Hildegard Klein, Stuttgart, 1985—1990; Paideuma: Umrisse einer Kultur und Seelenlehre, 1928.

*Fromm Erich. The anatomy of human destructiveness, Harmondsworth, 1977; The heart of man: its genious for good and evil, New York et al., 1971; Marx's concept of man, New York, 1961.

Frossard Andre. Les pensees, Paris, 1994; L'homme en questions, Paris, 1993. Fuchs Gudrun, 1939. Mensch und Bildung: Eine kulturanalytische und zeitkritische Untersuchung, Wiesbaden-Dotzheim, 1967.


Gallo Luca, 1947. Educazione e antropologia culturale: contributo prope-deutico, Roma, 1975.

 Gannaway Gloria. Transforming mind: a critical cognitive activity, Westport, Conn., 1994.

Gansberg Fritz. Schaffensfreude: Anregungen zur Belebung des Unterrichts, Leipzig-Berlin., 1909.

Garcia Castano Javier; Pulido Moyano. Antropologia de la educacion: el estudio de la transmision-adquisicion de cultura, Madrid, 1994.

Gattung Christiane. Der Mensch als Glied der Unendlichkeit: zur Anthropologie von Spinoza, Wurzburg, 1993.

*Gaudig Hugo. Die Schule in Dienste der werdenden Personlichkeit, 2 Bde, Leipzig, 1917; Didaktische Praludien, Leipzig; Berlin, 1909.

Gaylin Willard, 1925. Adam and Eve and Pinocchio: on being and becoming human, New York, 1990.

Geffray Christian, 1954. La cause des armes au Mozambique: anthropologie d'une guerre civile, Paris; Nairobi, 1990; Ni pere ni mere: critique de la parente, le cas makhuwa, Paris, 1990.

Gelles Richard, 1946. The sociology of the family, New York, 1989. Genette Gerard, 1930. Fiction and diction, Engl. transl. New York, 1993. Gerhardt Volker. Vom Willen zur Macht: Anthropologie und Metaphysik der Macht am exemplarischen Fall Friedrich Nietzsches, Berlin; New York, 1996.

Gerner Berthold. Einfiihrung in die padagogische Anthropologie, Darmstadt, 1992.

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Obiols Guillermo A. Adolescencia, posmod

Педагогическая антропология

Педагогическая антропология

Обсуждение Педагогическая антропология

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Источники и литература на иностранных языках: Педагогическая антропология, Бим-Бад Борис Михайлович, 1998 читать онлайн, скачать pdf, djvu, fb2 скачать на телефон Настоящее учебное пособие вводит в научную и общекультурную дискуссию о человеке как воспитателе и воспитуемом, о путях его самосовершенствования.